Thursday, December 29, 2011

Fact: Rep. Chris Gibson voted Dec. 14th for the atrocious indefinite detention NDAA bill ("The National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012-- (House Vote 932 - H.R.1540: On Agreeing to the Conference Report").
[see: ]
Fact: It wasn't just 93 Democrats in the House who voted against the indefinite detention NDAA bill; the truth is also that literally 43 GOP members of the House of Representatives (but not Chris Gibson) voted Dec. 14th against indefinite detention NDAA legislation-- all the following GOP (not Chris Gibson tho):

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

yesterday, Dec 13, 2011 Chris Gibson voted to force approval of Keystone XL pipeline and gut the Clean Air Act protections against mercury and other toxic air pollution.
H.R.1 Full-Year Continuing Appropriations Act, 2011 (defunding Planned Parenthood)
9 Gibson Aye

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

1. Fact: Gibson voted with the house majority in Sept only half the FEMA funding Senate did.
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2. Fact: Gibson voted for Ryan budget Apr. 15th against the disAbled-- by cutting Medicaid by 35%.
[ ]
3. Fact: Gibson voted just last week for REINS-- jeopardizing food safety and Dodd-Frank provisions.
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4. Fact: Gibson voted Nov.-- so-called "Balanced Budget Amendment": cuts to Social Security/Medicare.
[ ]
5. Fact: Even the Wall Street Journal reported April 4th this year that the Gibson/Cantor/Boehner "Cut, Cap, and Kill" legislation would "essentially end Medicare" while eliminating 700,000 jobs; meanwhile, Gibson and his staff continue to lie about this to anyone calling his offices.
[ ]
6. Fact: Gibson refuses to support Obama's American Jobs Act-- and he also refuses to support Rep. Jan Schakowsky's even better "Emergency Jobs to Restore the American Dream Act", which would create 2.2 million jobs rebuilding our infrastructure and hiring in our schools, hospitals, child care centers, parks, police officers, firefighters, weatherization, and recycling-- by raising taxes for Americans who earn more than $1 million and $1 billion, by eliminating subsidies for big oil companies, and by closing loopholes for corporations that send American jobs overseas.
[see: ; recall my effort]
7. Fact: Gibson's signing on to Grover Norquist's "no new tax" pledge means Congressman 1% will continue ignoring an NBC/Wall Street Journal poll in March finding that 81% of Americans support taxing millionaires to solve federal budget problems-- not putting Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security on chopping block (send me to Washington[recall-- infamous Town Hall forum Gibson hosted in August in Millerton]
[ ; ; ; ]
8. Fact: Gibson voted last month for only $3.65 billion in funding for FEMA for Tropical Storm Irene relief for homeowners, businesses, and our communities-- even after the Senate had just approved $6.9 billion for FEMA in strong bipartisan majority.
[ ]
9. Fact: Gibson voted last month to kill more American jobs by extending so-called "free-trade" agreements to Korea, Panama, and Colombia-- though we've already lost 5 million jobs from NAFTA.
[ ; ]
10. Fact: Gibson voted this February to eliminate $300 million in Title X Planned Parenthood funding-- even though "Title X funding can only be used for family planning services including birth control, life saving cervical and breast cancer screenings, HIV counseling and testing, testing and treatment for sexually transmitted diseases, and education. The funding cannot and is not used to provide abortion services. Under the proposal, 48 percent of Planned Parenthood patients nationwide would be cut off from their source of health care for these essential services. Ninety-seven percent of the services provided by Planned Parenthood are preventive, most of which are women's gynecology services."
11. Fact: Gibson voted last month for HR 358-- legislation that "would allow a hospital to deny a woman lifesaving emergency abortion care-even if a doctor deems it necessary. It would also take comprehensive health care coverage away from women and create loopholes that states and insurance companies could exploit to undermine the new requirement that insurance companies provide birth control with no co-pays or deductibles."
12. Fact: Gibson's allegiance to Grover Norquist jeopardizes national support for farmland protection.
As Rhinebeck resident and Scenic Hudson Senior Vice President Steve Rosenberg noted this morning on WAMC, it's crucial that even the small amount of federal funding for farmland protection ($100 million) now in the the farm bill about to be re-authorized be maintained-- the fact is this becomes more and more impossible with Norquist acolytes like Gibson in office who reject progressive taxation.
[ ]
13. Fact: Gibson refuses to push for a wide variety of common-sense progressive initiatives that have broad populist
According to, Chris Gibson has raked in over $122,000 over just the last two years alone from securities and investment firms on Wall Street...and-- recall-- according to the Center for Responsive Politics' database, Gibson already this year has raked in $10,150 in from Wall Street securities and investment firms, $15,700 from the insurance industry, $22,500 from the military/aerospace industry, and $7000 from electric utilities, besides the $2000 he got from Goldman Sachs last September, $5000 this July from Eric Cantor's PAC (and $13,000 last year from the insurance industry)--
According to, Chris Gibson has raked in over $122,000 over just the last two years alone from securities and investment firms on Wall Street...and-- recall-- according to the Center for Responsive Politics' database, Gibson already this year has raked in $10,150 in from Wall Street securities and investment firms, $15,700 from the insurance industry, $22,500 from the military/aerospace industry, and $7000 from electric utilities, besides the $2000 he got from Goldman Sachs last September, $5000 this July from Eric Cantor's PAC (and $13,000 last year from the insurance industry)--

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Sunday Dec.11,2011

from Joel Tyner posts:
Gibson, Tonko Divide Along Party Lines on Health-Care Repeal" Albany Times-Union Jan. 19th: ...yes, answer is expanding Medicare to cover everyone-- but Hinchey right here on this]
Miss this one yesterday in the Post Star?....(incredibly, Gibson voted for the REINS Act-- H.R. 10!)...

From ...
Legislative StrangleholdBEN PECK DECEMBER 8, 2011
Passing the REINS bill would give Republicans the ability to veto any new regulations.
With only four Democrats voting for the measure, yesterday the House passed H.R. 10, "Rules from the Executive in Need of Scrutiny" (REINS). If it were to become law, this radical piece of legislation would prohibit all federal agencies, including the Environmental Protection Agency, the Food and Drug Administration, and the Securities and Exchange Commission from minting any new regulations unless they passed both the U.S. House and Senate within 70 legislative days and impacted the economy by more than $100 million. The requirement that regulations be agreed to by both the House and Senate would give the staunchly anti-government Republican majority in the House the ability to unilaterally veto any new regulations by simply refusing to put the legislation to a vote.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Fact: Chris Gibson will be joining GOP state Sen. Roy McDonald for "Disabilities Awareness Day" event at Wilton Mall tomorrow (Sat. Dec. 10th) noon to 5 pm--
Fact: Chris Gibson voted Apr. 15th for the draconian Paul Ryan budget ; ]
Fact: The Paul Ryan budget Gibson voted for Apr. 15th abandons people with disabilities, cutting Medicaid by 35% with block grants (by over $700 billion over the next decade), unfairly forcing people with disabilities to live in nursing homes rather than in their own houses.
[see: ; ]

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Gibson refuses to push for a wide variety of common-sense progressive initiatives that have broad populist support, as evidenced repeatedly by many polls-- a statewide ban on fracking (and immediate national moratorium), a liveable minimum wage, Medicare for all, Clean Money Clean Elections campaign finance reform, amending the Constitution to make it clear corporations aren't people, taxing Wall Street, breaking up the big banks, bringing back the Glass-Steagall Act, ending the speculation driving gas/oil prices up through the roof, bringing our troops now from Afghanistan, Iraq, and all over the globe to save $125 billion a year for taxpayers (and redirect $ home to our needs)-- and he refuses to lift a finger to join Sen. Bernie Sanders in seriously challenging the $16 TRILLION the Federal Reserve recently lent out to practically every major financial institution and corporation around.
[ ; ; ; ; ]
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Gibson's allegiance to Grover Norquist jeopardizes national support for farmland protection.
As Rhinebeck resident and Scenic Hudson Senior Vice President Steve Rosenberg noted this morning on WAMC,(Nov 2011) it's crucial that even the small amount of federal funding for farmland protection ($100 million) now in the the farm bill about to be re-authorized be maintained-- the fact is this becomes more and more impossible with Norquist acolytes like Gibson in office who reject progressive taxation.
[ ]
Gibson voted last month for HR 358-- legislation that "would allow a hospital to deny a woman lifesaving emergency abortion care-even if a doctor deems it necessary. It would also take comprehensive health care coverage away from women and create loopholes that states and insurance companies could exploit to undermine the new requirement that insurance companies provide birth control with no co-pays or deductibles."
Gibson voted this February to eliminate $300 million in Title X Planned Parenthood funding-- even though "Title X funding can only be used for family planning services including birth control, life saving cervical and breast cancer screenings, HIV counseling and testing, testing and treatment for sexually transmitted diseases, and education. The funding cannot and is not used to provide abortion services. Under the proposal, 48 percent of Planned Parenthood patients nationwide would be cut off from their source of health care for these essential services. Ninety-seven percent of the services provided by Planned Parenthood are preventive, most of which are women's gynecology services."
Gibson voted last month to kill more American jobs by extending so-called "free-trade" agreements to Korea, Panama, and Colombia-- though we've already lost 5 million jobs from NAFTA.
[ ; ]
Gibson voted last month for only $3.65 billion in funding for FEMA for Tropical Storm Irene relief for homeowners, businesses, and our communities-- even after the Senate had just approved $6.9 billion for FEMA in strong bipartisan majority.
[ ]
from Gibson's signing on to Grover Norquist's "no new tax" pledge means Congressman 1% will continue ignoring an NBC/Wall Street Journal poll in March finding that 81% of Americans support taxing millionaires to solve federal budget problems-- not putting Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security on chopping block (send me (Joel Tyner)to Washington)-- I'll be an even louder voice telling both GOP and Dems to save all 3 of these from cuts; see just below-- new United for a Fair Economy update on this.
[recall-- infamous Town Hall forum Gibson hosted in August in Millerton-- folks are upset(!)...I was there]
[ ; ; ; ]
Gibson refuses to support Obama's American Jobs Act-- and he also refuses to support Rep. Jan Schakowsky's even better "Emergency Jobs to Restore the American Dream Act", which would create 2.2 million jobs rebuilding our infrastructure and hiring in our schools, hospitals, child care centers, parks, police officers, firefighters, weatherization, and recycling-- by raising taxes for Americans who earn more than $1 million and $1 billion, by eliminating subsidies for big oil companies, and by closing loopholes for corporations that send American jobs overseas.
[see: ; recall my effort]
The Wall Street Journal reported April 4th this year that the Gibson/Cantor/Boehner "Cut, Cap, and Kill" legislation would "essentially end Medicare" while eliminating 700,000 jobs;
[ ]
Fact: According to the Center for Responsive Politics database, Gibson already this year has raked in $10,150 in from Wall Street securities and investment firms, $15,700 from the insurance industry, $22,500 from the military/aerospace industry, and $7000 from electric utilities, besides the $2000 he got from Goldman Sachs last September, $5000 this July from Eric Cantor's PAC (and $13,000 last year from the insurance industry)--

Friday, August 26, 2011

A lame Chris Gibson town hall gets noticed nationally

From Daily Kos:

A lame Chris Gibson town hall gets noticed nationally
by devtob

Tea party Republican Chris Gibson, NY-20, has voted to end Medicare, against a clean debt ceiling bill, and signed the Grover Norquist anti-tax pledge.

Gibson was challenged about his disappointing record as a Boehner/Cantor parrot at a town hall in Millerton, Dutchess County, and a YouTube from that got national notice from Atrios.

Gibson repeated his Boehner/Cantor talking points and used a Boehner/Cantor PowerPoint to try to bamboozle his constituents.
But it didn't work.
Details, below.

Town halls everywhere are different from two years ago -- far fewer angry tea partiers, far more constituents concerned about radical Republican over-reach.
The video above was obviously edited by Gibson opponents, but still, it was remarkable in a couple of ways.
First, the sharp question about Gibson and Grover Norquist:
Why did you sign the Grover Norquist tax pledge?
You didn't sign this on my behalf, you didn't ask me. We are your constituents, not Grover Norquist.
(Loud applause)
Alan Simpson wants to know who is Grover Norquist the slave of. By association, I would like to know who are you the slave of.
Gibson's reply is not on the video, though one can assume he did not admit to being a tax policy slave of Norquist.
Second, and more interesting, a small business owner in Millerton was no fan of the Gibson-abetted debt-ceiling hostage crisis, and let Gibson know it:
In January, a consortium of five of us got together to save a small business here in Millerton that was 24 small businesses. It took an awful lot of compromise to pull that off, a lot of folks in town that had influence with the man that owned the building went to bat for us, and a lot of us that were in the businesses had to make some cuts in order to make it work.
Since then, we've got it up and running. July was our best month ever, until you guys pulled your (debt ceiling) shenanigans, and our business has dropped probably 80 percent since then.
Everything you've said with this (Boehner/Cantor) chart, I think most people would agree with -- yes, we're spending too much money; yes, we need to reform taxes.
But don't close your mind, which you seem to have done, against raising taxes for the people who can best pay them.
Gibson lamely responded that he was in favor of vague "tax reform"; he didn't mention, on this YouTube, that he had voted for "tax reform" that would dramatically cut rates for the rich and corporations in the Ryan budget.
To his credit, Gibson at least holds town halls without charging admission, screening out Democrats, or confiscating cameras.
Therefore he has had to deal with constituents who see through the BS Boehner/Cantor talking points and PowerPoint charts.
The essential fact is that Gibson and the radical Republicans don't care about their constituents -- all they really care about is reducing taxes for millionaires and billionaires and doing their utmost to wreck the economy, for partisan political purposes.
The radical Republicans' relentless focus on comforting the comfortable may help a few hundred people in NY-20, but the vast majority of Gibson's constituents have been, and will be, screwed by their radical Republican Congressman.
More and more of them are catching on to that.

Gibson Drops Plan For Nuclear Plant In The 20th CD

Since shortly after arriving in Washington, Republican Rep. Chris Gibson has been one of the new Republican Congress' most ardent backers of nuclear power.  Earlier this year Gibson sent staffers to coordinate with members of the Easton Town Board in Washington County to restart a long dead plan to place a nuclear power plant on the Hudson River almost across the river from the Saratoga National Battleground Park and the Solomon National Cemetery.  Despite the Easton Town Board's support (all Republicans), Gibson's proposal brought strong opposition in Washington County, one of the best dairy farming regions on the Northeastern US.

However, according to the Glens Falls Post Star, Gibson has now done an about face, and no longer supports "at least for now" building a large nuclear facility in the Hudson River Valley.   The paper reported,
"After I studied this in detail, it was clear to me that where we can make an impact at the federal, state and local level is with transmission," Gibson said during an interview at his Glens Falls district office on Monday.
 Gibson now supports improving transmission line capacity, which has been advocated by people studying local economic development issues for many years.   In the 1990s the City of Glens Falls, under the leadership of a Democratic controlled Common Council,  considered creating a municipal electric utility.   One of the options was to "wheel," or bring power from remote resources, over long distance transmission lines from sources like Hydro Quebec, which has surplus power to sell at prices very substantially below that of a new nuclear plant.   In fact,  in the Northern New York area encompassing the 20th CD, nuclear power could not be competitive with power from Quebec, and would actually substantially drive up the cost of electricity across the region.

For more on this story, check out the Post Star story.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Gibson votes against energy efficiency

Gibson voted to repeal efficiency standards for lightbulbs. The law signed by George W. Bush will cut energy used to light homes and businesses by 30%. Meanwhile Gibson is still behind efforts to build nuclear reactors to provide power to an increasingly overburdened electric grid.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Gibson hits new lows

In the meantime Rep. Chris Gibson has been a busy fellow. He voted:

*To repeal mandatory funding to set up health insurance exchanges under healthcare reform. The grants are part of the 2010 health care bill which requires each state to establish an exchange by 2014.

*To repeal a section in the 2010 health care bill providing funding for the construction of school-based health centers.

*He voted for the No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act - which would prohibit federal funds from being used for abortions, except in the cases of rape, incest or danger to the woman's life, and to bar most abortion expense deductions and tax credits for healthcare policies that cover abortions.

*He also voted to defeat a Democratic sponsored measure to bar the IRS from accessing medical records to establish whether rape or incest occurred, in connection with a provision in HR3 making abortion costs not tax deductible except in cases of rape or incest

*And to require the Interior Department to sell oil and gas leases in the Gulf of Mexico and off the coast of Virginia.

*Gibson also voted against a Democratic sponsored measure for a direct vote to end $30 billion in subsidies and tax breaks for the oil industry and use the money for tax breaks to industries to create jobs.

This all speaks for itself.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Rep. Chris Gibson is caught misrepresenting budget deficits with his own graph.

Rep. Chris Gibson's town hall meeting on April 26th was well attended, with the large meeting room at the Malta Community Center filled to capacity.    The questions were excellent, with the largest number deeply concerned about Republican plans to turn Medicare into an ill-funded voucher program.   Gibson ducked and weaved most of the evening, but the best moment of the night came when Al Ormsby of Saratoga Springs caught Gibson misrepresenting budget deficits with his own graph.   When Ormsby boxed Gibson in the illogic of his own position, Gibson finally simply gave up, unable to answer.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Chris Gibson voted to protect subsidies for big oil for major integrated oil companies HJR44 vote #153 according to the National Journal in March 2011. He voted to cut 1.4Billion in first repsonder training for radiation, chemical and biological disasters and to cut 46,000 positions for trainees for emergency disaster according to the National Journal March 2011.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Meet Bill Teator: The Corrupt Lobbyist Who Chairs Chris Gibson's New Energy Panel

Anybody wondering more about the lobbyist who Chris Gibson selected to lead his new energy panel?

Meet William R. "Bill" Teator of Capital Advocates, LLC, who has worked on several stints in behalf of former Republican congressmen Gerald Solomon, John Sweeney, as well as current Representative Chris Gibson.

Remember former Congressman John Sweeney's "Lake Placid Challenge" lobbyist trips that now-Senator Kirsten Gillibrand criticized so frequently back in 2006? Apparently, Teator was the man who organized these events for Sweeney using state taxpayer money, taking advantage of a loophole in House ethics rules, which allows for the payments of trips with congressional officials using public money. In this case, the New York State Power Authority, an entity of the State of New York, funded these trips. 

Interestingly enough, at the trip, Sweeney was found skiing alongside Bill Teator, as well as Ian Paul Steff of the American Semiconductor Association. Another notable figure at the trip was Lisi Kaufman of Untied Technologies, which had until recently, been involved in the construction of nuclear devices and equipment.


Teator has also lobbied on behalf on numerous energy corporations, including Iberdrola, which is one of the largest operators of nuclear power plants in Europe.


Also of interest are Bill Teator's activities in helping to fund J. Felix Strevell's scandal plagued Institute for Entrpreneurship, which received $618,000 in federal grants from the U.S. Small Business Administration. In 1999, Teator lobbied for these grants while working for The Solomon Group, the former lobbying firm led by the late Rep. Gerald B.H. Solomon. 

Strevell was a major ally of Republicans John Sweeney, Joe Bruno, Sandy Treadwell, and George Pataki, all of which appear to have connections with Mr. Teator. According to sources, it looks as though Strevell used his connections with Teator and the New York State Republican Party to help set up a bogus patronage mill which eventually fleeced the state of over $100,000. (Some are claiming that the estimated amount may actually be closer to $200,000) A January 2002 article from The Times Union revealed that Strevell's organization paid $90,000 annually to The Solomon Group, which had employed Solomon and Teator.

In 2001, when Teator spoke on behalf of The Solomon Group in an interview to The Times Union regarding Strevell's activities, he commented, "It's a good concept...we have no qualms about what they do."


The new energy committee is not the first occasion where Teator has performed extensive services on behalf of Chris Gibson. In August of 2010, Teator was appointed executive director of Chris Gibson's congressional campaign, replacing local Tea Party organizer Patrick Ziegler, after Gibson spent months of trailing behind former Rep. Scott Murphy (D - Glens Falls) in the polls.

To a great degree, it seems quite surprising that Chris Gibson would want to associate himself with an individual carrying so much baggage, as well as a long documented history of corruption and questionable activities. However, what may be even more perplexing is how a man who was never elected to public office has been able to exert so much influence over the region's representation for the past 15 years...

Friday, March 18, 2011

Lake George Mirror: Gibson votes against LG

Editorial: Congressman Gibson Votes Against Lake George
March 15th, 2011
Last summer, we reported that researchers found that song birds nesting on Dome Island had 15 to 20 times more mercury in their blood than birds from other sections of New York State. The scientists’ next task was to determine the source of the mercury: midwestern power plants, abandoned industrial sites, closed landfills or emissions from cement manufacturing plants. Scott Lorey of the Adirondack Council told us at the time that cement plants will deposit heavy concentrations of mercury within a local radius, and we were surprised to find that little had been done to compel cement plants to cut mercury emissions. That’s why we were gratified to learn that nine states, New York included, had reached a settlement with the federal Environmental Protection Agency requiring new limits on the amount of mercury and other toxic pollutants that cement plants can discharge. The EPA’s new rules were drafted to address mercury and other toxic emissions from Portland cement plants nationwide, including those located in New York. Portland cement is the most common type of cement and a basic ingredient of concrete, mortar, stucco and grout. New York state is home to three Portland cement plants: the LaFarge plant in Ravena, the St. Lawrence plant in Catskill, and the Glens Falls plant near Lake George. Collectively, these three plants discharge roughly 170 pounds of mercury emissions in New York’s air each year – about 20 percent of all mercury emitted annually in the state. If the cement plants are the source of the mercury that is poisoning Lake George’s songbirds, those new rules would have been a necessary first step in restoring the health of Lake George’s bird population. Unfortunately, the US Congress has chosen to block EPA’s power to force cement plants to comply with these new regulations by suspending funding for implementation and enforcement. What’s even more unfortunate, Lake George’s representative in Congress, Chris Gibson, not only voted with the majority, but boasted about it. In his “60 Day Progress Report” to his constituents, Gibson noted that he had “voted to defund significant portions of EPA’s overreach.” Given that mercury emissions from cement plants may be threatening Lake George’s wildlife, that’s hardly something to be proud of.

See original post here:

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Gibson hopes to cut funding to public broadcasting

North Country Public Radio reports:

05:06pm Congressman Chris Gibson (NY-20) released the following statement today: “Today I voted against eliminating funding for NPR because I know that our local affiliates - like WAMC and North Country Public Radio - provide a valuable service to my constituents, particularly in our rural communities." Gibson said he still hopes to cut public broadcasting funding back to FY 2008 levels.

Gibson votes NO on HR 1076

H.R.1076 -- To prohibit Federal funding of National Public Radio and the use of Federal funds to acquire radio content. (Introduced in House - IH)

Congressman Gibson was one of only 7 Republicans to oppose the bill which would prevent local stations from using federal funds to purchase programming from NPR.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Press Release: Chris Gibson Watch launched by Glens Falls DFA as public service providing accurate information on Gibson’s extremist record

Press Release:  Chris Gibson Watch launched by Glens Falls DFA as public service providing accurate information on Gibson’s extremist record

Press Release
For Immediate Release

Democracy For The Greater Glens Falls Area, a member of the nation-wide network of groups led by Democracy For America, has established a public information service,, to provide fact-checking, accurate and timely information, and constructive alternatives, to the positions,  policies, activities, politics and campaign finances of right-wing Republican Rep. Chris Gibson.  The new service will also explain the consequences of Gibson’s positions and actions for residents of New York’s 20th Congressional District, and who Rep. Gibson actually represents.  
The Gibson Watch website is also a highly-integrated web-based system:  posts to the Gibson Watch site, which is organized in searchable blog form with side areas for special information and media, are automatically fed to a special twitter account,, for those who want to be immediately alerted to  the service’s postings on a regular basis.  Postings will also be automatically fed to the Gibson Watch Facebook page,  http://  Anyone who is interested in following Gibson Watch postings are urged to subscribe to the twitter feed.
Gibson Watch is a volunteer, collaborative effort and is not affiliated with any political campaign or candidate.  It’s goal is based on the reality that congressional representatives, particularly from upstate New York, routinely go to Washington and then consistently vote against the interests and beliefs of their constituents— and get away with it—  due to the geographically dispersed nature of a district as large as the 20th, which generates considerable confusion since voters often do not know what is going on in other areas of these large districts, and the unfortunate fact that today’s news organizations do not always have the resources to adequately follow what a member of Congress is actually doing.   
As a result, misrepresentations often go uncorrected.  One current example is Rep. Gibson’s recent statement he is an original co-sponsor of  a provision passed in the House of Representatives to repeal a requirement in the Healthcare Reform Bill that small businesses  file 1099 forms with the IRS for every purchase of goods and services over $600.   In fact, this problem was first identified by Rep. Scott Murphy last year.  It was Murphy, a small businessman himself and an expert on small business problems, who sponsored the first legislative action to relieve the paperwork burden of this provision.  Gibson is to be applauded for supporting Murphy’s initiative.  But  it is intellectually dishonest, and a bad sign of what area voters can expect,  for Gibson not to give Murphy credit for identifying this problem and being the first to take action, the equivalent of a student copying another’s homework, or an author copying another’s work without attribution.   (GIbson defeated Murphy last November.)
The Gibson Watch team of volunteers will identify or develop areas in which they  have expertise, whether it be educational issues, environment, economics, national security or others, and follow Gibson’s positions accordingly.   It is the intention of Gibson Watch not to merely critique Gibson’s policies and actions, but to also provide concrete policy alternatives that benefit the people of the 20th Congressional District.  
Gibson Watch will especially focus on how Gibson’s positions are out of the mainstream of his district and upstate New York in general, and damage the local economy, jobs and environment.  However, Gibson Watch will not neglect the impact of Gibson’s policies on the nation as a whole.  One example would be the consequences of eliminating the 1099 reporting provision cited above.  Despite Republican claims that deficit reduction is their overriding priority, eliminating the reporting requirement is unfunded, unlike earlier Democratic provisions, and will add to the deficit in the same way other unfunded Republican tax cuts also add to the deficit.  
The Gibson Watch team is open to all  liberals, moderates and progressives across the 20th CD and the upstate New York region who support responsible positions that build the district and the nation, support peace, economic and social justice,  human rights and human dignity, and America’s progressive tradition of a government, as Lincoln put, “of, by and for the people,” not the powerful, the connected, or privileged and wealthy elites.  
Democracy For The Greater Glens Falls Area was founded as a Dean For America Meetup  in March 2003 and had its first meeting as such in April 2003.  When Gov. Dean suspended his campaign in 2004, he went on to create Democracy For America, which the local group also joined, formally becoming Democracy For The Greater Glens Falls Area, but also widely known as Glens Falls DFA.   With DFA National, GFA-DFA continues the principles of the Dean campaign of backing progressive candidates and causes, resisting right-wing extremism and building a new American community.   

for info:  Coordinator, Larry Dudley,

Monday, March 7, 2011


Announcing Chris Gibson Watch is now supplying feeds to Twitter and Facebook accounts.  Stay tuned for official announcement!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Welcome to Chris GIbson Watch

We would like to welcome everyone to Chris Gibson Watch.  It is our intention to provide a public information and news sources on Rep. Chris Gibson, his activities, positions, policies, politics, campaign finances and supporters, and above all, the consequences of all of these for the people of New York's 20th Congressional District, New York State (because the district cannot be healthy and growing unless the state is) and the nation and world as a whole.

It is our experience in the past that members of Congress from the rural areas of upstate New York tend to disappear into an informational vacuum when they arrive in Washington, with people back home having no idea at all what those representatives are really doing and supporting in Washington.   In part this is because of the highly dispersed nature of congressional districts like NY-20, which is actually bigger geographically than some states.   Things that affect people at one end of a district may go unnoticed in another, or their importance and implications unrecognized or not understood without background and context.  Compounding the problem is that news media organizations based in rural districts like NY-20 are often small and with limited resources, and simply cannot follow a representative the way, as only one example, the Albany Times Union can follow their hometown congressman, Paul Tonko— for better or for worse.  

We want the information posted here to be reliable and consistent, and without bias.  We believe the simple facts speak volumes.

We intend to regularly update this site as information becomes available.